This page is dedicated to my first bunny Ellie & Bella my 2nd bunny, Sophie cat the love of my life & Goldie cat
Ellie & Sophie passed away a few years ago, Goldie is living with my Mom & Step Dad & Bella is at the Watsonville Animal Shelter last I heard.
I have a daughter now, her name is Elizabeth Grace (Ellie) and I've been able to start making videos again, of her, she is my everything, the love of my life.
Hope you enjoy our videos
unfortunately in 2013 i experienced post partum psychosis after pregnancy and CPS intervened and my mom and step dad were named "legal guardians" of my daughter and they decided to keep her and that i could "visit" and 'spend time with her" but its detrimental to my mental health to be anywhere near those 2 so i have no daughter anymore since they have money and a lawyer that lives next door to them, i have no pets... its just me again. i hope you enjoy the videos