Association for Culture and Education (ACE) KIBLA is a national and international non-governmental institution in the segmented field of creative industries, interdisciplinary, intermedia and multimedia art, visual arts, AV, music, culture, and informal education. In the 25 years of existence, the institution, with its three locations in Maribor, Slovenia (MMC KIBLA, artKIT, and KIBLA PORTAL), developed into a pivotal happening point of the city, the region, the country, and wider, as a place of contemporary arts and culture, informal education, creative use of the emerging ICT and interdisciplinary practices. In 2019, as part of the RUK Network, media, and interdisciplinary research lab KIBLA2LAB was established. The lab focuses on developing tools for the production and post-production of extended reality (XR), user experience, digital storytelling, and developing connecting platforms for public presentation.