Welcome to my corner of the internet!
I go by Jexdra here! I am 22, go by he/him, love playing video games, and think that you're a nice person for taking the time to read this!
Here is where all my stuff may come to be shown to the world (or at least to the few who may want to see it.) I hope you enjoy your stay here and maybe I could convince you to stick around!
I will be doing some vocal performances, animations that may or may not be part of those performances, and whatever else I think would be good enough to be posted. Thank you again for coming!
This is my ko-fi! If anyone is feeling generous I will be supremely grateful to any person who decides to donate even a little bit!
I will think of ways to thank people in the future as I learn how to use Ko-fi more!
This is my twitter: twitter.com/jexdra
I dunno what I'll be using it for but it'll have use!