Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
This channel I created to share my experiences in solving problems in everyday's life by using existing "tools". I am just a layman or nonexpert.. :)
Here, I want to invite all of you from various age, especially for teenagers to use our mind to think "how it works?", "how to fix it?" and "how to build it?" (What, Why, How)
I also ask to open discuss basic things about electronics, mechanics, 3d design, automotive, computers, IoT and a little about chemistry but for common people with a simple mind and simple word so I hope it is easy to understand, and easy to digest.
Nowaday, We can find any information easily from internet. All "tools" or devices are just an objects and we decide what we want to make these objects into.
I hope this channel can inspire the younger generation to be more innovative in their creations, and not be afraid to try.
"Everything you don't know is something you can learn"
Apa Itu?