G Granite (aka Grey Granite) is an American Recording(Rap)Artist. Granite has released several independent albums most recently ten songs titled "IN Search for a Weapon or Wisdom" available on all online music retailers. G Granite strives to give the most creatively entertaining live performance and has been asked to performed and worked with several artist such as Lupe Fiasco, C-Rayz Walz, Mick Jenkins and Kool Kieth
Granite has been focused on successfully building a hip hop scene in his home town of Indianapolis and recently combined with other highly sought after Indy artist to create a mega group called #GhostGunSummer (Oreo Jones, Freddie Bunz, John Stamps, Sirius Blvck) the five man roster has completed four tours in 2014-2015 and covered over 30 states in America.
Most recent, the work of G Granite has been focused on a nine part series of albums titled “Rich in the Blood”