Life is a puzzle. we inherit a collection of disconnected pieces and contribute to a big picture. Part of the joy of life is finding a piece here and there that fits. Another part of the the joy is helping misfits to fit provides just enough inspiration to keep working at it.
Every piece counts.
Force-fitting is futile.
It helps to keep the big picture in front of you.
No one piece alone creates the big picture.
Some pieces that don’t look like they go together, do.
Some pieces that look like they go together, don’t.
It helps to know the parameters and perimeters, so start with the edges.
Looking at the puzzle from different vantage points provides a clearer perspective on the big picture.
Make progress one piece at a time.
You will be tempted at some point to quit. Don’t!
Putting together little puzzles within the big puzzle helps to complete the big picture more efficiently.