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Brent Spirit

4.3K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Kundalini Shakti Awakening Support, Conversations, and More.

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Brent Spirit
Posted 1 month ago

"Kundalini Shakti Awakening: Overcoming Common Challenges" was presented by Brent Spirit at the Spiritual Awakenings International Conference 2024 on June 9, 2024, where he discussed the Kundalini Awakening process and challenges, while offering practical methods for integrating the experience into everyday life.

The Kundalini Shakti awakening process is deeply rewarding. However, sometimes, it can turn a personā€™s world upside down. Drawing from his experience supporting many through their Kundalini process, Brent discusses some of the key challenges and potential solutions.

He shares the hardship of undergoing this process in western society, overcoming some of the physical and emotional difficulties, navigating non-ordinary psychic phenomena, making sense of spontaneous movements and vocalizations (kriyas), cultivating a meditation practice, and reintegrating back into the world.

In addition, he addresses the challenge of raising awareness about this process on a broader scale so that experiencers can be supported and understood.

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Brent Spirit
Posted 8 months ago

The most trippy thing ever = Kundalini awakening.

Itā€™s really hard and/or really awesome.

Naturally, you wanna tell your worldly folks about it.

How do you proceed? (Pick one)

1) Give them an ancient Indian text in Sanskrit.
2) Send them a YouTube video by some random weirdo in his room.
3) Describe your unusual experiences at the dinner table and brace yourself for eye rolling.

All not very good choices, right?

How about sending them to

This is our (you, me, the others) new project.

In early 2024, while on retreat, Ram Dass appeared before me in a mystical vision.

He threw an energetic lightning bolt at the back of my neck.

Then he told me to start this new project.

I know it sounds insane, but hear me out.

With, we aim to further legitimize Kundalini phenomena within the scientific community through rational discussion, networking, and education.

We invite individuals to come forth and say:

ā€I have experienced Kundalini phenomena. Hereā€™s my storyā€¦ā€

We invite licensed professionals to come forth and say:

ā€œMe too, and Iā€™m here to help.ā€

ā€‹ has a directory of licensed professionals with Kundalini experience.

It also has a growing collection of Kundalini stories submitted by experiencers.

Youā€™ll also find resources, including books, audio, and video, produced by rational, credible people.
As well, youā€™ll find a list of vetted peer support groups that offer an accessible way to share, be heard, and receive help.

A new podcast is in the works, as well as training programs by licensed professionals. Stay tuned.

Weā€™ve also planned the worldā€™s largest Global Kundalini Meditation ever:

The aim is to unite all of the Kundalini people and communities together. Join us.

Now, look.

Iā€™ve freely offered a lot on this Kundalini topic.

I spent weeks building this site, all by myself.

This work is my lifeā€™s mission. Iā€™ll never stop.

So, if Iā€™ve ever given you any value,

Iā€™m asking, from the bottom of my heart,

Please, do me a solid and:

1) Submit a write up about your journey to the collection (please see the simple criteria)
2) Share with others
3) Apply to the directory of licensed professionals (if you meet the criteria)

Iā€™m not asking for much.

And itā€™s not just for me.

It's for the community.

Share your story for all those who are struggling.

For those who donā€™t even know theyā€™re dealing with Kundalini yet.

Do you remember when that was you?

That was me from age 15-23. Not fun.

Spread the word to show the worldly folks we haven't lost our marbles.

We are many.

Our experiences are genuine and valid.

Thank you.

Much love and peace,
Brent ā€œWeirdo In His Roomā€ Spirit

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Brent Spirit
Posted 8 months ago

Every 'symptom' in the book can be attributed to Kundalini awakening process.

A 'kriya' could actually just be a muscle spasm due to dehydration.

An 'emotional purge' could actually just be a reasonable response to a stressful workday.

How, then, can we discern between just ordinary human experiences and the extraordinary Kundalini awakening journey?

The one key component that makes this process unique is the expansion of consciousness alongside the various signs and symptoms.

Look out for signs that your perception is broadening, that your emotional intelligence and regulation skills are developing, and that your connection to all is becoming stronger.

Does your identification with the 'little me' feel more loose, fluid, and intermittent? Is there more flow?

Do you feel as if you are shifting from a sense of self that's located within your head to something more expansive and non-local, outside of space and time?

Is there more acceptance, peace, clarity, and understanding?
Sometimes the expansions of consciousness are obvious, grand moments marked with awe and wonder.

At other times, the expansions of consciousness are subtle and can gradually creep up on you without any single key moment or turning point.

Now before you think, 'Well I haven't had any major shifts or expansions of consciousness, my Kundalini process has been turmoil!'

Please consider whether at any point in your journey, you've had some key moments of bliss, transcendence, unconditional love, unity with God, or rapture.

Don't overlook these moments, even if they were fleeting and shortlived.

Kundalini After Dark (FREE):

Kundalini Q&A Meetings (FREE):

GROUNDED: Spiritual Emergence & Integration Course (8+ Hours):

39 - 1

Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

The Agreement - An excerpt from a book(?) I'm working on.

It was now October 2015. I had just experienced the major Kundalini Shakti rising event and the purification was underway. I had Matt Kahnā€™s teachings, the I Love You practice, and Joanne the energy healer as my support system. I spent the next six weeks in my bed with my hands on my heart, repeating over and over, ā€œI love youā€ as a plethora of strange phenomena, psychological content, and emotional experiences arose within my awareness.

Knowing full well that this was a spiritually transformative journey and not some mysterious illness or anything going ultimately wrong, I began to relate with the likes of Christ and the Buddha. I looked into both of their personal experiences of transformation.

Christ was nailed to the cross, unable to move. He had to face his psychological and emotional content before his death and resurrection. The Buddha committed to sitting beneath the bodhi tree without getting up until he attained enlightenment. As the story goes, demons arose to taunt him. He just kept sitting.

Feeling like a spiritual warrior walking the same path of these great masters, I established my own similar context for my transformation. I made a very clear agreement with myself:

My bed is my bodhi tree, my cross. I will come here during phases of purging to love myself through the pain. Whenever I sit, lie, or contort in this bed, I am safe. Whatever arises, I welcome as a fleeting guest passing through my awareness.

No thought, emotion, sensation, or any other possible human experience lasts forever. I have understood the nature of myself to be immortal spirit, untouchable by even the fiercest of demons, therefore, I am safe.

Memories, emotions, thoughts, and impulses will arise. I will not act on them. I will not physically hurt myself in any way. If personal resentments arise, I will not call or text anyone with animosity or venting.

I will keep a glass of water at my bedside. I can survive on water and oxygen alone for a few days, if thatā€™s how long some of the difficult phenomena lasts.

Between phases, I will emerge from my bed, take note of the healing benefits I have earned, and engage in basic self-care. And then I will return to my bed again for more purification.

This agreement was a pact made with absolute resolve. It was a contract that provided a sense of structure to the chaotic purification process. It included basic protocols to ensure I didnā€™t create unnecessary harm to myself, others, or my relationships. It was akin to being tied up in a straight jacket and left in a padded room. Other than physical or relational harm, it allowed for anything at all to arise.

Kundalini After Dark (FREE):

Kundalini Q&A Meetings (FREE):

GROUNDED: Spiritual Emergence & Integration Course (8+ Hours):

33 - 12

Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

I will be offering a free presentation:

Spiritual Awakenings International Conference 2024
Saturday & Sunday, June 8-9, 2024, Online

40 Outstanding International Speakers From 14 Countries

On All Types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs): Mystical Experiences, Near-Death Experiences, Kundalini Awakenings, After-Death Communications, End-of-Life Experiences, Shared Crossings, and more...

Panels in English and en EspaƱol

Register at

Itā€™s free, but your donations make this event accessible for all.

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Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

ā€œLater I learned from other such happenings and from other people's stories that Kundalini possesses a superior form of intelligence and clears away obstacles when She wants to work, or that She stops Her activity when the outer circumstances are not appropriate. In people who are busy during the week She frequently becomes active on the weekends, or She stops intensive clearing processes from one moment to the next, for instance if one has to travel.

I remember, and this is not the only case, a woman who, for several days, had to go to the toilet up to eighteen times, in order to eliminate the dross of bad nutrition, alcohol and cigarettes from many years. In the middle of this difficult process she had to drive to Delhi for a few days.She packed several rolls of toilet paper and asked with concern whether there were toilets along the way.

In such cases, Swamiji merely says not to worry, the diarrhea will stop by itself. She didn't want to believe that. When she came back, we asked her how it had gone. "Very well," she said, "from the moment I got into the car there was no sign of diarrhea anymore."ā€œ

- Kiu Eckstein

Kundalini - The Master and the Disciple: Report of a Search

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Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

"At this point in continuing practice, or perhaps earlier for some, there can be a whole series of powerful energetic phenomena, sometimes called the awakening of the Kundalini.

What this means is simply a profound opening of the energy centers of the body, or the chakras, and a simultaneous opening of the nadis, or the energy channels of the body.

While there is a basic pattern to this, it may happen in many different ways.

Sometimes as one sits and gets more concentrated, the body will begin to burn or there will be a feeling of heat in the spine, vibrations and tingling.

At times, one can actually feel energy move physically in the body as if fire, pulsations, or vibrations moved spontaneously through blocked energy channels as a way to open and free them.

These energetic openings can take hours, or weeks, or months. It is all a part of the process of psychophysical opening and purification.ā€

- Jack Kornfield
Obstacles and Vicissitudes in Spiritual Practice - Essay
Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis
Edited by Stanislav Grof, M.D., and Christina Grof

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Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

The inspiration for all the modern Yoga postures and sequences came from observing those with awakened Kundalini Shakti and the ways they would move spontaneously.

Therefore, with awakened Kundalini Shakti, your own spontaneous movements (kriyas) are true, authentic, organic Yoga straight from the source, catered to exactly what your system needs. Trust it fully.

I can appreciate traditional Yoga classes. I am a trained Yoga teacher and have attended and benefited from many classes. However, one has to ask:

Do all thirty people in a particular Yoga class need the exact same movement sequence at the same time?

Of course not! It's just the most efficient way of running a class/business. I get it.

For those with awakened Kundalini Shakti, however, the best Yoga teacher is the inner one. And the nice part is that private Yoga classes with Her are free!

Kundalini After Dark - Most Sundays @ 10PM EST
Register (FREE):

Kundalini Q&A Meeting - Most Mondays @ 2PM EST
Register (FREE):

36 - 7

Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

Spiritual bypassing can be overcome with a willingness to look at the nuances of the spiritual transformation process and see that the imperfections of our humanity are still at play sometimes.

Spiritual bypassing relies on black and white thinking.

Neither the human experience, nor reality, is black and white.

Kundalini After Dark - Most Sundays @ 10PM EST
Register (FREE):

Kundalini Q&A Meeting - Most Mondays @ 2PM EST
Register (FREE):

13 - 0

Brent Spirit
Posted 9 months ago

ā€œThe physical, emotional, and mental problems arising on the way of Self-realization, however serious they may appear, are merely temporary reactions, by-products, so to speak, of an organic process of inner growth and regeneration.

Therefore they either disappear spontaneously when the crisis which has produced them is over, or they yield easily to proper treatment.

Furthermore, the sufferings caused by periods of depression, by the ebbing of the inner life, are abundantly compensated for by periods of renewed inflow of superconscious energies, and by the anticipation of the release and enhancement of the whole personality to be produced by Self- realization.

This vision is a most powerful inspiration, an unfailing comfort, and a constant source of strength and courage. Therefore, as we have said, it is most valuable to make a special point of recalling that vision as vividly and as frequently as possible.

One of the greatest services we can render to those struggling along the way is to help them keep the vision of the goal ever present before their eyes.

Thus one can anticipate, and have an increasing foretaste of, the state of consciousness of the Self-realized individual.

It is a state of consciousness characterized by joy, serenity, inner security, a sense of calm power, clear understanding, and radiant love. In its highest aspects it is the realization of essential Being, of communion and identification with the Universal Life.ā€

- Dr. Robert Assagioli, M.D.
Self-Realization and Its Psychological Disturbances - Essay

Kundalini After Dark - Sun, April 7 @ 10PM EST
Register (FREE):

Kundalini Q&A Meeting - Mon, April 8 @ 2PM EST
Register (FREE):

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