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My playground for perfectly imperfect stories, passion and i

expectations vs reality #2023#expectationsvsreality#expectations #reality #lego#randomphotography sneaking up #2023#sneakingup #sneaking #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity Different types of management styles. #2023#management#managementstyles#topdown#bottomup#lego Thinking in water #2023#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity #legophotography I’d be the man........#2023#theman#themantaylorswift #taylorswift Quiet please sometimes it is just too noisy. #2023#noises#quiet #lego#randomphotography My fav weekend activity : Wrapped in blanket reading #2023#wrappedinblanket #reading #lego Head Balloons - Morbid #2023#morbid #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity Feeling a lil off - Morbid #2023#morbid #lego#randomphotography to lend a hand #2023#tolendahand#disney#disneylego#stitch#lego#randomphotography The witch hunt begins #2023#blindfollowers #supremeleader #eerilyone#onlyeerie annoying each other and thoroughly enjoying it #2023#irritating#june #lego#randomphotography annoying each other and thoroughly enjoying it #2023#irritating#june #lego How’s your weekend?Ps: having that dose of monday blues #2023#weekend#june #lego How time flies! It is June already #2023#june#starwars#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography 踢 #2023#踢#kick#macbookpro#starwars#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity stuck in a moment you can’t get out of #2023#stuck #teatowelholders #starwars#lego#afol K . A . R . M . A. #2023#karma#霉霉 #starwars#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol eat . sleep . play . repeat #2023#eatsleepplayrepeat #starwars#lego#randomphotography Imagination vs Reality #2023#imagination#reality #starwars#lego#phonephotography #afol falling #2023#falling #starwars#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity You know my name, my story #starwars#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity may the fourth be with you #2023#maythefourthbewithyou#maytheforcebewithyou #lego fake #2023#fake #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity #legophotography blind followers👩‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦯 #blindfollowers#lego 搅屎棍gaau2 si2 gwan3 shit stirrer#2023#shitstirrer #搅屎棍#lego#randomphotography#afol friends? #2023#friends #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography Another long weekend #2023#missyou#publicholiday #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography 24 April 2023 靠山Gain support from key stakeholders. Garner and strengthen backing for influence.#2023#靠山#lego#afol It has been a while. I miss public holidays #2023#missyou#publicholiday #lego#randomphotography music to one’s ears 👂 #2023#music#musictoonesears #lego#randomphotography#phonephotography wrapped up #2023#wrappedup#lego#randomphotography#phonephotography #afol#afolcommunity i often wish life came with an UNDO key.......#2023#undo#lego#randomphotography focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase #2023#staircase #lego#randomphotography facing your fears #2023#lego#facingyourfears rip the band-aid off 🩹 #2023#ripthebandaidoff#lego Watermelon sugar high 🍉 .........#2023#watermelon#lego 关关难过, 关关过 to meet with great difficulties but pull through #2023#关关难过关关过#reminder Cold and sugary drinks have negative effects but the weather can be unbearable at times#2023#lego dont know when i will see you again - will update in stories / reels #2023#lego April Fool’s DayToday also marks 1/4 of 2023 has passed..........#2023#lego #afol What have I achieved in 90 days?90 days have passed. #2023 #90days #lego #starwars The Vigeland Park #thevigelandpark #gustavvigeland #travelphotography #oslonorway#travel edvard munch the scream #edvardmunchmuseum #thescream#travelphotography #oslonorway edvard munch #edvardmunchmuseum #travelphotography #oslonorway#travel 29 March 2023 Falling down seven times and getting up on the eighth #legostarwars #lego #nanakorobiyaoki