Hi there! This Channel was created to showcase the New Generation Yamaha Electone Organ to the best of my ability. I used to play my pieces on the Yamaha Electone D65, D85, FS70, FX-20 FX-1, HS-8, ELS-02C, and now the ELC-02. I wish, to have a try on the Latest ELS-02X. Heh... Heh... Heh! I now play casually and not for Examinations anymore. My Channel's purpose is to socialize with other Music-loving players. I actually love to play Modern Pop Songs and not Classical ones. I ceased my Music Education when I was aged 18. It means, I stopped playing with a 20-year gap. I do not attend formal classes at Yamaha anymore. Whatever tunes that I play right now, are from the foundation that I acquired a long time ago, since the 1990s. Lots of people ASSUME that Keyboards, Organs, and Pianos are the Same. NO, they are played differently in their own technique. They are treated as different instruments. Organists can play in a live performance without recording tracks to a computer sequencer.