My desire is to spread the message of God, exactly how it is! There is so much false doctrine and confusion not only in the body of Christ but all over the world. There is only one truth and that is the truth of God, I believe I have been called to spread the gospel of his message and teach the TRUTH of our Lord and savior. The bible says that the greatest wisdom is knowing Jesus Christ, I pray for a personal encounter for you today!
I grew up in church, my mom was a STRICT old testament Pentecostal and yet during the teenage/Adult years of my life, I was living apart from God, I did not know my true identity in Christ. I have recently given my life back to the Lord in March of 2023 and he has changed my life forever. Now that I am truly studying his word and getting to know God, I finally understand my purpose and my Identity in Christ.
This Channels main purpose is to help learn more about Jesus Christ our Savior, The Author Of Life and his Word.