CaedeKyoto | Kaede京都在京都的富小路和祗園設有店鋪,銷售只有在京都才能買到的“包”和“皮革製品”。 這樣的caede京都是通過帶有“秋葉的自然美”和“京都的傳統美”的包包傳播京都各地形象的渠道。
CaedeKyoto | Kaede Kyoto has stores in Tominokoji and Gion in Kyoto, and sells "bags" and "leather goods" that can only be obtained in Kyoto. Such caede Kyoto is a channel that distributes the image of various places in Kyoto through bags and bags with "natural beauty of autumn leaves" and "traditional beauty of Kyoto".