International Life Transformation Coach/Psychologist.
I am working on conscious and sub conscious mind tools and techniques, i have been certified as one of Asia's life coach, I am providing free services to millions of people around the world. I am spreading positivity, hope and willingness to everyone.
Anyone can take advise and counseling on nominal fee. For removel of trauma, tragedy, depression, stress, tension, Mask depression and past life or childhood bad memories through energy medicine, Tapping and mind science different tool and technique through touching of Sub conscious mind.
You can learn different Mind Science tools and techniques for your mental development and constant growth in life e. g. NLP, Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, EFT, EMDR, Phsy-k, learning Self Actualization, confidence building, self esteem, Logothrapy, CBT. Services in person and on line.
Services also include Parenting skills, social, financial, relationship counseling.
Whats app. 03343468389.