Dev Gill embarked on his cinematic journey with the with the movie "Krishnarjuna." Noteworthy acclaim followed in 2009 when he featured in the well-received "Magadheera." Transitioning to Tamil cinema, he portrayed the antagonist in the 2010 film "Sura." The versatile actor took on a different avatar in 2011, playing the role of an actor in "Prema Kavali." In a standout performance, Gill portrayed Pakistani athlete Abdul Khaliq in the 2013 hit "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag." The year 2014 saw him alongside Rajinikanth in "Lingaa." Demonstrating his versatility, Gill took the lead in the Punjabi film "Saadey CM Saab" in 2016, showcasing his prowess across languages and genres. Join us as we delve into the cinematic journey of this accomplished actor, exploring his diverse roles and contributions to the film industry. Subscribe now for an in-depth look at the career of a true artist!