Composer, pianist, musicologist, pedagogue, lifelong learner, Mensan, polymath, creative doer and thinker. Max Alpha King is truly all of that.
His unmatched accomplishments include publishing three piano concertos and over 50 advanced piano solos and duets. His composing style is mainly classical, adding his own creativity to craft a distinctive personal style.
His performance, of a large classical repertoire (from Baroque to Modern) shows disciplined clarity, effortless technique, and is insightful. His approach to classical music is “NON-SENSATIONALIST HIGHLY DISCIPLINED MUSICIANSHIP”.
King studied piano and composition at the RCM in London, before getting his graduate and postgraduate musicology degrees from London and Manchester Universities. He has many other professional qualifications and interests, including teaching, therapies and multimedia production of popular music.
His YouTube popular music channel is at: