Books about Moors! Books by Moors! Moorish Books! Who were the Moors in History? Who are the Moors today?? Hear the lion tell his tale at Califa Media Publishing.
Califa Media is the trade mark/ name and commercial arm of the History Department of the Moorish Religious & Cultural Institute. Supervised by Sis. T. Najee-Ullah El, Historian and Head of Education, the History Department is charged with the accurate collection and dissemination of our Moorish history, culture, sciences, etc.
The Moorish Guide Publishing Company was founded by our Prophet, Noble Drew Ali. It was formed to create and distribute literary material in so that the people would receive correct information, and hopefully work toward correcting themselves. Some publications issued by the Moorish Guide Publishing Co. were the Moorish Guide Newspaper, the 101 Questionnaire for Moorish Children, and the Holy Quran of the Moorish Science Temple of America Circle 7.