Hi I’m nec1 I exist btw also known as psy/500S9/yuneyume/_Lyn/Psytone/3oneclover/🍀
My old account got hacked so… I gotta start over from scratch
13 years
Birthday: Sept 15
Please at least be 12/13+ when watching my content mostly 13+
She/it (lesbian demigirl) (all pronouns idc but im a girl)
Im Autistic
I’m not religious I’m agnostic (for personal reasons)
You are free to re-upload my videos. Make sure you credit me though, and don’t really upload the really old ones. When i was toffskindamidtbh/bfdiuniquegarrettfan or even when i was maski (yes goofy ass usernames i know)
I love pepoyo’s songs
idk what else to say here o_o
all I could say is that this is not really the first time I have been on YouTube I have been here for five years (2020)
★Tiktok: Rightchan1
★Instagram: mouse.avi34
★Tumblr: Mouse.avi
★Twitter: Nec1
★Pinterest: Nec-San
★Discord: Nec116
★Roblox: Nec1670 (handle is Nec1)
★Newgrounds: N0R0i6
The One fan yayay‼️