Welcome to SquirrelNest.Live channel!
We are excited to share videos and streams of wild squirrels, chipmunks, birds and other backyard critters of Eastern USA.
All content on this channel is from our backyard and front yard. We have over 150 wired security cameras to watch over our 20 nesting boxes. All nest boxes are made according to wildlife expert recommendations to ensure safe and sanitary environment for our tenants. We clean these boxes on a regular basis and try to provide necessary protections from nest predators.
Our goal is to observe backyard critters in their natural habitat. We have allergies and unfortunately we are not able to have pets but we love wild life, and enjoy learning more about it. We monitor but do NOT approach occupied nest boxes, UNLESS an animal is sick, AND our local rehab has instructed us to bring this animal to them. Nor we hand feed any animals.
Mr SqNL in Delaware/Maryland/Virginia (DelMarVa), USA
Suggestions? info@SquirrelNest.Live