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The Orsterra Records

124 subscribers - no pronouns :c

What do you seek at journey's end? Welcome to The Orsterra

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

The Orsterra Records
Posted 3 weeks ago

Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates.

So as you are probably aware, there is something going on with the translation of the game between SE and NetEase. Whatever it is (AI, just poor translation, etc.), I will be suspending operations until this issue is properly addressed. I am personally not comfortable recording the story if the translation does not make sense or lacks comprehensibility.

I have not gotten a true confirmation where the new translations start, but its sounding like it could be as far back as the LIVE A LIVE collab.

I'm hoping this issue gets addressed, but I'm not holding my breathe. I apologize if you were looking forward to new updates on my channel.

However, I still may try and tackle the traveler stories I recorded before the SE transfer.

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 4 weeks ago

Good morning everyone! You didn't expect an update from this channel again, huh? But I'm here! But, I may be making a return to the channel to make some uploads. Yahoo!


Going forward, cutscenes and dialogue will be on auto-advance, instead of my normal pauses. This will make recording and editing these cutscenes so much more easier... thank gods.

Voice acting will still be off. I want to keep this channel consistent.

I will be starting off with any memoirs I have missed. Unfortunately the UI boarder issue has not been fixed, but it's better to have a record of it than no record at all! (And plus, I can go back in and record it once it does get fixed...) Then, going forward with editing and recording any previous footage I have had thus far. This includes the following:

- Menny, Eunice, Yugo, Billy, Iris, Felline, Fabio, Ashlan
- Elvis (BD Collab) (3/4)

These are the next . I tend to want to start with very small goals... so who is the first lucky contestant? It will be one of the following... at first. Subject to change.

- Julio
- Noelle
- Viola or Scarcrow

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 3 months ago

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates! I'm here again.

And... OH MY GOODNESS THE GAME IS NOT DEAD YAHOO!!!~ This is great news no only for preserving the game, but just the game surviving as a whole!

However, I wanted to give you guys an update on the channel as a whole. While we are out of the weeds, I unfortunately will say that I will no longer be working on this project like I was. The reason why I haven't been updating the channel was that my mental health too a turn for the worse in the last month, and I've decided that it would be for the best that I no longer continue this project. This means that starting now, the channel will not be regularly updating, if at all.

Despite this, I may still want to come back to this. It's not a done deal, but I'm going to say that if I do, it will not be consistent, it will not be regularly updated, and it will probably be the content little to no people care about.

I want to apologize for anyone who was expecting this channel to be a complete record of the game. I unfortunately am no content creator, nor superhuman. I do hope that the resources and cutscenes I did record will help you regardless of how you view the game or what you need them for.

With that, I'll still be casually monitoring the channel, so don't feel hesitant to ask questions!

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 4 months ago

Hello everyone! We're not past the storm, but it has eased a bit! I'm here to give you an update, as promised.

Well, there is no notices that mention what I anticipated, so as they say "no news is good news". Nonetheless, the plan is to continue to record the traveler stories on this account and edit them at a later date.

On a side note, I have been trying to complete the arena fights on my main COTC account. I now know how difficult (and I mean DIFFICULT) these fights are, and thus have decided to record this side content now on this account. Do I intend to record the full fights? I apologize, but I won't be recording the first initial fights, nor do the rematch version of them unless absolutely necessary because they do give me quite the headache (Plus, you do not want to see me struggle against Yan Long's crow familiars for 19 turns... trust me). However, I will be recording and uploading each arena unit's introduction and their memoirs (including the bookmark party chats) to the "Orsterra Logbook" channel. I may even plan on recording their traveler stories, should one request and/or I feel like it.

(I don't mean this as a way to promote myself whatsoever. I want to keep the content separate because of some factors like my band name, who my Ringbearer Chosen is, and the levels/place where I am at in the game. It would be weird to jump from "Champions" to my main account's name "Archades". After all, I want to document the game as much as possible, not profit, farm views, etc etc. I will note that the videos from the logbook will appear in the playlists on this channel though.)

Given that I am on this arena kick right now, I will be taking a break from recording stories on my recording account (the one for this channel). I will continue to give updates on this channel, but I will not be working on the traveler stories from the account on for a little bit. This means that the BD collab, Agnes traveler story and Edea traveler story will be suspended until further notice.

Given that I am taking a while on my main recording account, I am now open to the possibility of recording any smaller/not main content I have unlock on my main account by request. If you have a memoir, traveler story or additional content that you would like to see, please let me know! Just know that it will not be uploaded to this channel but the "Orsterra Logbook".

I do intend to record this content on my main channel when I reach it, but I thought it might be good to get it done now since it's much easier to finish and a lot less tedious to get through. (Traveler stories do drain the mind and soul... 'tis why it is good to pace yourself.)

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 4 months ago

Hello everyone! This is your weekly update on what's going on with the channel! (Sorry it's a bit late).

I have decided to delay doing Agnes and Edea's traveler story for a little bit. Rest assured, they will be uploaded with the rest of BD collab soon (with the expectation for Elvis' quest). Given that we are entering uncharted, no-news territory, I will immediately let you know my plan should something be announced.

I also want to note that I have found some channels that have uploaded a set amount of traveler stories. (Yippee!) Therefore, I will be focusing on the ones I can not find here on Youtube going forward.

Otherwise, here's an update on what I have finished so far.

Here is currently the footage I finished:

- Menny, Eunice, Yugo, Billy, Iris, Felline, Fabio, Ashlan
- Elvis (BD Collab) (3/4)

There may be a chance I will record some traveler stories on an alternative account that is in the Bestowers series. Right now, the plan is only to record these traveler stories (if I can, and am able):

- Nona, Jillmelia, Stead, (Maybe) W'ludai
- (Maybe) Arena Champions? (I have Ri'tu, Tikilen, Varkyn and possibly Yan Long).
- (Maybe) I'circlo Emissary quest
- (Maybe) Any memoirs I have unlocked

I also want to note that I go forward and just focus on recording traveler stories on my other accounts, since the Bestowers series' main scenario is very well documented. (I'm still contemplating this, so do not expect any news about this for now.)

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 4 months ago

Hello everyone! This is your weekly update on what's going on with the channel!

So, I might have broken my rule a bit and recorded Molrusso's story. I just got an itch and decided to peruse it.

I also want to state that I will be uploading all of the Bravely Default collab content in the next coming weeks, including Agnes and Edea's traveler story. The only video I will not upload though is Elvis' story, which acts as the collaboration's main story. Simply put, the video looks to be nearly 2 hours long, so to save space for recording and storing my videos, I will not be editing this video until later. I want to note that I will attempt to take on the LV 80 additional boss for the BD collab, but I will not being taking on the LV 100 rematch.

Otherwise, here's an update on what I have finished so far.

Here is currently the footage I finished:

- Menny, Eunice, Yugo, Billy, Iris
- Elvis (BD Collab) (3/4)

There may be a chance I will record some traveler stories on an alternative account that is in the Bestowers series. Right now, the plan is only to record these traveler stories (if I can, and am able):

- Nona, Jillmelia, Stead, Ri'tu, (Maybe) W'ludai
- (Maybe) I'circlo Emissary quest
- (Maybe) Any memoirs I have unlocked

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 5 months ago

Hello everyone! This update is once again to notify you on my plans for the channel.

I have calculated that it will probably be much more efficient to solely focus on recoding these stories and editing them later, with the exception of memoir traveler stories or smaller content. Therefore, after I record and upload Helga and Laura's traveler story this week, I will not be frequently uploading for a while, and traveler stories uploads will cease until all are completed. However, I will be frequently updating in these community notes as to what I do, starting today! (And to note, there has been no official announcements yet! Do not fret! However, if something should happen at the end of the month, I want as much time as possible. Now would be a good time to start.)

Here is currently the footage I finished:

Menny, Eunice,

As well, there may be a chance I will record some traveler stories on an alternative account that is in the Bestowers series. These would most likely be uploaded on "The Orsterra Logbook" since they are not from the account I usually record on. Right now, the plan is only to record these traveler stories (if I can, and am able):

Nona, Jillmelia, Stead

I will say that I intend to upload any missing memoirs over the course of this time frame, but they will be infrequent. I apologize I continue to give mixed messaging, but I hope this will now be the foundation going forward for this channel!

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 5 months ago

Hi everyone! Sorry for the recent flurry of updates. I wanted to celebrate that I reached 80 subscribers! Yippee! It's another great milestone in this project, and I'm happy that people are still interested in the game!

I also wanted to say that I will be starting the process to record footage and edit it at a later date. While we haven't gotten an update yet, I want to get through these Masters series traveler stories so I can get to as much of the three Bestowers stories as possible. My goal before any... termination notices is to record at least the Bestower of Wealth, Power and Fame as much as possible, including traveler stories and memoirs unlocked in that series. While this means that Bestower of All may not be recorded, I do want to set a reasonable goal for myself should something happen.

The current plan is just to knock out these lower 3-star traveler stories and edit/upload them later alongside my previous update of flipping between the COTC Original 8 and 4-star stories. So, if you see that a 3-star character has disappeared in the overworld during my other uploads, please don't fret too much. Their footage has been recorded, and the intention is to edit and upload them when I have time (or when... you know has come and gone).

I just wanted to give this warning, but I will give an official plan and consistent update when and should it happen!

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 5 months ago

Hello everyone! Sorry to give this update, but I've made some changes to my uploading schedule.

Instead of going back-to-back on the original COTC 8, I'm going to intermittently sprinkle some 4-star traveler stories just so I can get some of those done. Therefore, here is the schedule, albeit a bit complicated:

- Cless
- Tahir (requested)
- Dorothea

- Rotating between 2-3 4-star stories, and COTC original 8 stories

(Current COTC 8 pool): Theo, Fiore, Sofia, Viola, Scarcrow
(Planned 4-star pool): Laura, Aslyte, Barrad, Rita, Lucetta, Iris, Madelaine, Helga

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The Orsterra Records
Posted 5 months ago

Hello everyone! I'm giving a serious update in regards to the future of this game, as well as general update for the coming weeks.

Given the recent updates and slowed progression of the game, it has come to no surprise that there are talks of the dreaded EOS coming to COTC. It is indeed an issue of concern, especially for a live-service mobile game. But as with any of these games, one does have to prepare for the eventual end, even if it comes unexpectedly.

Thanks to some inquiring and help from the community, I have made a gameplan should this be announced within the future. For this, I will intend to solely record footage during this time, and edit the footage later to upload. There will be no uploaded videos, with the exception of single-cutscene content like memoirs.

If (and gods forbid), that EOS is announced in the coming months, I will first let you know that I will start the process. You will probably not see any videos uploaded, but I will try and update weekly in this community section what I have finished. After the game officially is no longer in service, I will start editing this raw footage and uploading it to the channel. Is the intention to get everything done? Yes. Will I finish Bestower of All, especially the 8th chapter?... Probably not. But as I continue to say, I want to get as much as I can done! (But lets not hope it comes anytime soon. There's still plenty to do, and I think this game shouldn't take that much to run.)

Now since nothing has been confirmed yet, I and still going to continue with my plan of uploading traveler stories and supplement material in the Masters series. I have adjusted the gameplan, so here's what the coming weeks will look like:

- Millard and Tahir story (this week)
- Viola and Scarcrow story
- Fiore and Theo story
- Sofia and [4 or 3 star] story
- Dorothea story (hopefully)
- BD collaboration (if it entails anything)
- (possibly) Lynette story (but I will need to cough up some cash)

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