I've decided to disable all comments on the videos here - here's why:
I love the guitar, both listening to it and learning how to play it. I am not a professional musician or music teacher - I enjoy making video lessons because it really helps my playing. I also felt some of these videos would help others as well. I've received many nice comments and thank you's, some good advice and constructive criticism, and I'm pleased that 600+ people have enjoyed my channel enough to subscribe.
However, over the past year most of the comments I've received have been ignorant, insulting posts from people who have nothing to offer on their YT channel (I've checked). I don't mind a critical comment, but I'm not interested in being insulted - I didn't start this channel just to be a sounding board for some troll's guitar-ego.
If you would like to comment on my videos, please visit the friendly forum at guitar.com.
Thanks for visiting.