Nyzzy Nyce is from Fort Wayne, IN.
Nyzzy’s music has been featured in movies, such as ‘Get Hard,' ‘Beyond The Lights, & St. Vincent’ and he’s had placements in American Horror Story, MLB Tonight, NFL Network, NY Jets programming, BET & more.
Nyzzy is a rare breed of an artist who combines his sensibility for social entrepreneurship, altruistic nature, and passion-fueled lyrical ability to create infectious music. He says, “I do something, I fall into it, and I don’t stop.”
Stream/download his latest mixtape, ‘Lost In Los Angeles,’ for free at HotNewHipHop: bit.ly/nyzzylostinla
For those that want to support, the album is also available at iTunes for only $6.99: smarturl.it/lostinlosangeles