My name is Danny S. Hodges this is what my chanel is about, Teaching People How To Save Money By Doing It Themselves. I have created several Do It Yourself Videos. I really like to come up with ways to do things myself. It really amazes me how much money you can save by letting your mind explore new inexpensive ways to turn off breakers in the power box and still live a productive life. First: Solar Hot Water Collector I have had this on my roof for about 5 years .The sun heats it up during the day and it will get hot enough that you have to add cold water with it to take a shower. I have this going to the main bathroom. I have added afew improvements that will allow the water to also heat up in the winter. Now i am talking FREE HOT WATER all year long. Second: A HOT WATER TANK THAT THERMOSIPONS I have had this several months and Just want to go ahead and say my last two LIGHT BILLS were $60.00 and $66.00 what a reward. Those day of the $100.00 to $300.00 light bills have been gone e