Hi, my name is Alyssa you can call me the short name of lyss.
I'm ๐ต๐ญ my firstborn country nationalists
My birth zodiac on year born is 11/2903 โ๏ธ๐
I'm ๐/๐ I'm normal star famous
Gacha oc
Alyssa Sparkle star/ starlight โญ๏ธ๐๐ค๐ต๐ญ
My hobbies:
1. I love singing because I can sing since I was a kid I join and made a video of it
I sing soprano because I love to listen to music to my ear while cover practice musical skills jobs
2. Origami star paper
3. loom bands
And more.
My favorite color ๐
My favorite pony: twilight
My fave is all
My first YouTube channel before ago so I have to try my new latest updates to old and new videos about me the fun fact iโii do making videos so much about it and im trying singing more harder practice I listen to music anything I like to do my favorite trendy like TikTok short challenge about it to see and even gacha too. Please be good something obey to follow around by video no is worse and I will try my edit video Just put all my other video likes