Korean guy living in England...Love to dance, love music and love to generally have a good time. ;)
I love a good challenge and I love to learn new things so here I am!!! I consider this channel to be a mix of how-to + fun documentary of human learning (watch me try not to fail too horribly). If you want to see either of these things then you're in the right place.
Can Can has recently become a big part of this channel. This stands for "Can beat cancer" as well as highlighting that we can overcome our challenges. I am currently a patient receiving treatment for stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma and will be posting updates on how it is going through the months that I am receiving my treatment in the most positive way I can. So, if any of you are affected by cancer in some way or are just interested in what cancer and chemotherapy is like, I hope I'm able to help with the content I produce on this channel.