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Literary world

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Literature is considered a " slice of life"

"Time line of British English Literature" #literarystudies #exam #history #englishlanguage "Ideal Tragic Hero " in English Literature,#exam concept #literarystudies "Place of Articulation" #linguistics #languageskills #study " introduction to Contemporary Literature, Drama " #literarystudies #englishlanguage #exam "Tess Of the D'URBERVILLES" full Summary #englishlanguage #literarystudies #history "Tess Of the D'URBERVILLES" Introduction, Character's,& themes#exam #literarystudies " The Nightingale and the Rose" by 'Oscar Wilde" Summary# Themes #setting #exam Feminism Theory part 2 #roots # feminism #waves# #literarystudies #englishlanguage "Feminism" part 1 #Literary Theory #literarystudies #exam "Famous Characters in English Literature" #literarystudies #phoneticalphabet #english #exam "Deconstruction " linguistic #literarystudies #exam #phoneticalphabet #history "Boys Will be Boys, A Daughter's Elegy by Sara Suleri" womenwriting #readingwomen The Renaissance, The Reformation ,The university Wits and The metaphysical school of poets.. Postcolonial studies: "Stuart Hall's Cultural Identity and Diaspora" #culturestudies School of linguistics (Historicism, Functionalism, structuralism, Generativism) Deixis and it's types with examples. #Pragmatics#phoneticalphabet Deixis and It's Types(Pragmatics and Semantics) "A Pashto Folktale translated into English." #history #literarystudies #assignments #books Ode On A Grecian Urn.. (John Keats) Introduction # critical appreciation # poem explanatio "What is"Criticism " in English Literature. "Derrivational and inflectional morphemes" morphology #education #languagelearning #literarystudies "List of Years in Literature" 🤞🤞👍 " Evelin by James Joyce" #literarystudies #author #writers #english #englishlanguage #exam "American English Phonetic Symbols" #literarystudies #englishlanguage #exam #englishlearning "History of English Novel" #literarystudies #englishlanguage #assignments #exam #novel#history "Bingo" by Tariq Rehmam #short #stories #literarystudies #pakistanliterature#assignments "Idioms" English Grammar #literarystudies #englishlanguage #exam #education #assignments "New Writers of the Norman Period " #literarystudies #englishlanguage #assignments #exam # " Manner of articulationI articulatory phonetics" #phonetician #languagelessons William Blake's Contribution In Romanticism " #literarystudies #englishlanguae #assignments #history Existentialism philosophy..!! #history #englishlanguage #literarystudies #exam #assignments Blake's Theory of Contrariness #history #literarystudies #assignments #exam #englishlanguage The letter A has lots of sounds in English.Follow the directions - where do you leave the grid? "The Waste Land " by T.S Elliot ' #history #literarystudies #englishlanguage #exam #revised Long Vowels,Sounds Spoken English contains 5 long vowel sounds, vowel uses unique position "Rebecca BY DAPHNE DU MAURIER " #history #literarystudies #assignments #exam "Kubla Khan "(S.T.Coleridge)' #assignments #literarystudies #history #exam #englishlanguage Drama "OTHELLO" Motiveless malignity in IAGO' #exam #literarystudies #englishlanguage #history "The application of semantic field theory to English vocabulary learning" #exam Significance of poetic verses in the novel "Ice Candy Man" #assignments #literarystudies #research Role of Sex, Power and Age in "Season of migration to North " Themes #exam #literarystudies #assignm "To the Light House" Themes #assignments #literarystudies #exam #history "Waiting for Godot" as an absurd play ▶️▶️ #assignments #literature #exam #history #examskill "Heaney,s defence of poetry" #assignments #exam #literarystudies #poetry #poetrycommunity "The Hollow Men " Themes #exam #literature #assignments #historyliterature "Problems of Equivalence at World Level" in translation studies # #exam #pastpaper #literature "Jane Austen's Limited Range" #assignments #exam #englishliterature #historyliterature "Poly system theorise in translation studies" #literature #assignments#exam #translationstudies