Two channels for your enjoyment : original electronic music AND some of the rarer electronic music Ive collected on vinyl over the years.
The Live synth music channel is a variety of solo and collaborative projects with various people and using different types of hardware. Lots of live synth jams. Lots of solo and studio stuff. From experimental improvisations to hard bangers, we try to touch all the bases. Most of these live tracks were recorded with video footage and some Ive added some video to tracks written in the studio (or when the camera died!) ... but there's also a LOT more music on both of my soundcloud channels (they're both full now) and my bandcamp. See below for links!
My vinyl channel only contains rare stuff that wasn't available anywhere else on the net at the time of posting. Its mostly 90s hard acid, oldschool techno and trance, as well as more chilled out stuff and some breaks... all the good stuff really :)
dont forget to subscribe, like and comment! peace.