Modern Description (As Of 8/16/22 1:31:34 AM)
yeah i failed at that last part, imma just upload random crap and see what sticks. see ya.
Semi-Modern Description (As Of 8/6/20 3:31:40 PM)
I make things that are hopefully timeless as to not arouse "cringe" some years down the line. As you can see from my first video, and from what you can't see (as in the hundreds of unlisted videos on this channel), I failed incredibly.
The following was originally written in the early winter of 2017 and kept here for the sake of archival.
It does not indicate my channel's current status nor my current level of intelligence:
Gaming. Such an intensly peaceful psychological pastime At Jorix Gaming, we push the boundaries of gaming. From beating Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. To "Closing shut the Jaws of Oblivion"!!!!
Skits are cringe, but is always... nevermind
BTW Elder Scrolls are my favorite games and Bethesda Series.