We are Nicole and Pietro, 23 and 26 years old, we like eating, photographing, filming and TRAVELLING!
We travelled from Massa (Italy) to Singapore without EVER taking a FLIGHT, living the 7 most beautiful and intense months of our lives. Summarizing all the emotions and experiences in two lines would be impossible.
We have therefore created this channel where you can see with your own eyes what we experience during our travels, in contact with the locals, spending LITTLE but living MUCH.
Last year we spent 6 months in Iceland and this year after living two months in Morocco we bought a super destroyed 1990 VAN that we camperized and in which we lived in Iceland for another 5 months!
We hope that the stories you will hear and see here will inspire you and give you that boost that each of us needs at least once in our lives.
Good trip, see you on the road ;)
Nicole and Pietro.
Don’t forget the Jacket!
(Ricordati Il Giacchetto)