6/10/09- Last Update:
Hi guys. This is going to be my last update on the channel description. I'm now using a blog.
5/22/09- First Day Filming for TKAZ 2:
The new short film: "To Kill A Zombie 2", is estimated to have a length of 15-20 minutes. Possible even 30 minutes. This will be my largest scale movie EVER, with the most actors I have ever had in a single movie, and the most time and planning I have ever done in a movie. The first day of filming will be on June 6th , and we all can't wait for that day to come.
5/02/09- New Channel Background:
How do you guys like my new background for my channel I made? I just got the abstract art off of Google, but I put together the background myself. I love it. :D