The PewJay Channel is important in making artwork and as I am multiskilled so I finished a lot of Posters and Animations. My Art is Digital Art and Animation that is important to strive for best experiences is about DreamWorks Trolls. Digital Art is a good explanation of the graphics line, color, dark or shadows, light, blur, and background. Held resolutions are 2k to 4k pixels and ratios are 16: 9, 3: 4, and 1: 1. Time lapse is real while doing artwork so long hours are only 5 minutes. Whenever I finish Digital Art is 3 to 7 days. Animation is it's use in 2D Animation cartoons about making it episodes. Genres used in Animation are romantic, drama, music, and etc that are important action in this episode. Available it's resolution is only 2k in video and 4k pixel does not work my device. Whenever I finish animations are 1 month. The pewjay about making me is Dreamworks Trolls is as me fans, it's important lovers and romantic is Broppy, but I'll do it about that.