Hi there, I'm Kurt, and welcome to my channel. I've been navigating the digital world for over 10 years, delving into online businesses, YouTube, investing, property, technology, AI, Crypto, music production, gaming, astronomy, science, and life with my dog, Tony. Just a divorced guy and his loyal companion, exploring different paths and spending too much time in front of the computer.
Along this journey, I've been lucky enough to gather a community of 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube, earning a Gold Play Button along with a couple of Silver ones. But this channel? It's more about sharing my interests, hobbies, and those random tidbits of life that catch my attention. For the last 10 years i have lived and breathed YouTube and am happy to share some of what i have learned along the way, about Youtube, online business, investing, Technology and just life in general.
Feel free to subscribe and like if you find something that speaks to you – or not, no pressure, Either way, welcome.