This is ELIZABETH ANJS. This is about Beauty, Health and Lifestyle. This You tube Channel is created for all my friends and those who are interested to start a new business with small capital. I am here to guide you on how to be a successful entrepreneur regarding Health and Skin Care and of course share tips in the field of cosmetics and skin care . II am very well verse in the field of Skin Care, hence I was in the skin care industry for 30 years. And I am willing to teach you how to use it properly and the ingredients that are safe for us . And as a senior citizen I would like to share how to maintain a younger looking skin and at the same time, stay healthy and strong. Enjoy our life while on earth.Beauty products that are suited to Asian skin, beauty products that are not only effective but SAFE. My motto is BE BEAUTIFUL IS THE SAFEST WAY. Because I believe, beauty is not overnight success.
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