in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey guys! Deadside version 1.0 is live!!!
Just released an overview video on the official channel if you haven't seen the update yet, check it out
I'll be recording lots of content now that the update is released, so keep an eye out! Let me know which guides you want to see first, right now I'm working on a base building guide, and thinking that a damage guide would be best after that
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Hey guys, I just released a WIP video on the Official Deadside channel covering prone, check it out if you are interested!
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I went on The Scope Podcast with@CrashGame& @bluetherobotyesterday, we talked Deadside for a while, everything from the current state of the game, and plans for the future, it was a good time. Check it out if you are interested:
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Streaming update 0.5.0 right now, and pretty much everyday this week, check it out if you want to see my content live, its a good time
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Made a video on the official @DEADSIDEGAME channel, check it out if you are interested, also new video on this channel tomorrow :)
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10K, wow, that number hurts my brain a little lol. Thank you everyone for sticking around with me, I really do appreciate it. I know I haven't been uploading much, been busy with Community Manager stuff recently. I just uploaded a video today on the @DEADSIDEGAME channel, if you want to know what's going on with development then give it a watch I suppose, if you haven't already seen it :)
That stuff aside, I'll start ramping up production on the channel again here soon, I've already got some good content recorded, but I just haven't had the time to edit it yet. Hope you guys like raiding, with actual PvP this time, yippiee. If you have any other video ideas let me know, I have a few of my own, but I do enjoy hearing from you all.
Thanks again, talk to you all soon
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Hey, I'm currently running an event in my discord server called The Bakery Awards. You can submit your Deadside clips, and in a YT video, I'll watch the clips and give out some awards, should be a fun time. So if that sounds interesting, jump in my discord and send over some clips for the vid. There are 11 different Awards you can possibly win, like the Smoothbrain Award, or the Melee Award, so it should be interesting. Winners will get some special discord roles too just for fun.
Got a video mostly finished and ready, should be uploaded here pretty soon :))
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For the people that play on my Deadside server, Loafs Bakery, how do you feel about the Base Combat rules? Currently we have no base combat at all, but now that bases are becoming more important, it might make sense to reconsider. Some rules have been decided by the community in the past, so a poll seems like the way to go.
For those wondering why the two options are so extreme, its because we have tried other intermediate solutions in the past. Having base combat rules that only sometimes allow you to shoot from your base are always complicated, and players tend to exploit it. So, its one or the other.
Anywho, thanks for reading, I'll be running more polls in the future probably, mostly about game stuff tho
23 - 27
DEADSIDE UPDATE 0.4.0 is live!
Come join me on my DS server, Loafs Bakery, I'll be playing all day, its gonna be a good time. We did a full wipe btw. Keep your eyes out for more news, now that the update is out, its time for the fun stuff like events and possibly a giveaway.
Also thanks for all the support lately, I appreciate it. Enjoy the update!
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Hey guys, the team at Bad Pixel just released a big community post talking about some new features for Deadside. I'll release a video on it when the features are closer to being presentable, but in the meantime, check out the post and enjoy this short gif that I helped make!
Also, I updated my Weapons & Armor spreadsheet to include more accurate bullet drop info. The charts I had before were outdated, and I didn't have access to fancy developer tools at the time, so these charts should be much more accurate and up to date.
I think the next few months are gonna be big for both Deadside and our community here on the channel. I've got a few big projects in the works, mainly a big event, and the new wiki. I also grabbed a fancy new 3080 ti, so hopefully that will fix the stuttering that I get sometimes while recording, I'm sure you guys have noticed that in my videos. It might not though, my recording PC is kinda scuffed. Anyways, thanks for reading, talk to you guys later. (:
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I make content mainly for Deadside on my channel, everything from gameplay, guides, and update videos. I have been playing Deadside since it first publicly released, and I have slowly become the most knowledgeable players making consistent Deadside content on YouTube. I also am working with TinyBuild and Bad Pixel with the development of Deadside itself, and I also make videos for the team every now and then, covering inside development progress of the game.
My channel is still relatively small and growing, and I'm still relatively young despite how my voice sounds, so I'm super happy and thankful that I even have the opportunity to make fun videos about a game that I love, while actually working on the development of that game at the same time. I've really been enjoying building my community here, on top of everything else, so I hope after reading this you decide to join it
And no, I don't use a voice changer, stop asking lol