Kalou Smarananmuktihi 9849339607
కలౌ స్మరణాన్ముక్తిః
कलौ स्मरणान्मुक्तिः।
In the present Kaliyuga , Sages say us that one and only source of attaining Moksha is by Chanting Nama Sankeertana of God.
Even as per our Sanathana Dharma Path to Moksha is through Chanting Bhajans , Reciting Slokas, listening to Spiritual preachings and attending rituals.
It is also true that belief in God & the prayers offered to him are the only way to seek happiness and get relived from the miseries faced by us in this World.
To inculcate Bhakti and to share Spiritual content, this YouTube Channel offers its humble services by way of uploading
Vedic programmes , recitation of Slokas & Bhajans .
The Channel is aired with the name "Radhakrishna Namasmaranam" by Sri Kodakandla Radhakrishna Sharma .
All are requested to watch the Channel for Spiritual Content.
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏 9849339607 phone number