Welcome! My mission is to educate, guide, and create community. We don't have to go at this alone, my friend. The methods used here are the pagan wheel of the year, meditation, divination (specifically the celtic goddess Brigid), magic, and Yoga.
Who the heck am I: I have been a medium my whole life. In 2018, I had an intense spiritual awakening. I started to spontaneously exit my body, and frequented previous lives, Vega star system and Celtic realms. I had to learn how to stay grounded and attached to my body and Earth. I discovered that the more grounded I am, the more control I have over the ascension process. I am a mom, wife, veteran, Celtic Pagan and a yoga instructor specializing in yoga Nidra. I am certified through the Yoga Alliance. I put my heart and soul into everything I do with intention. Peace to you wherever you are.