Hi! I'm Greg "ComptonEMT" Henson. Thank you for watching my videos. I'm a programmer and former Emergency Medical Technician. I've been playing video games since I could hold a controller and have been working on computers since i was about 7 years old. If you like the content you're seeing make sure to subscribe to get more of my awesome gameplay and content.
On my youtube channel you'll mainly find exports of cool points of the streams I do. Definitely check the links below to find out more about the streaming. The other content you might find is minor vlogs, guides, and competitive event coverage.
Here are a few links to help keep you involved!
Twitter - twitter.com/gregrthenson
HSA Facebook - www.facebook.com/HSAClan/
Twitch - www.twitch.tv/comptonemt
HSA Discord - discord.me/highstakesanonymous
Also... the music in my videos is from a side project I run with a friend. It's called TheCCRadio.