We bought this 2020 Winston Houston Double Wide Mobile Home when it was just 2 1/2 yrs old. It was a great floor plan and in good shape just not our style. Follow our journey of how we are making this used double wide our home. We moved it onto property and fixed all the cracks in sheet rock, replaced all the carpet and roll out vinyl with vinyl plank floors through out and changed the look of the home by painting the whole inside a new color. Also painted all of the dark stained shiplap to give it an updated look. Made and installed open shelving and installed new backsplash in the kitchen. Follow along to see the transformation as we continue working to make this mobile home our home. Winston - Houston Mobile Home Remodel #MobileHomeRemodel #winston #vinylPlankfloors #FloatingShelves #fireplaceresurface #whitewashfireplace #WinstonHouston #CastleLockandGoFloors #MovingADoublewide #MovingAMobileHome #2020WintsonHouston