"In spite of the holy promise of the peoples, to outlaw war for all times, in spite of the cry of millions: "War - never again!", contrary to all the hopes for a brighter future, I have to say today:
If the current monetary system, the interest economy is kept, I dare to predict already today that it won't be 25 years until there is a new, even more terrible war!
I can clearly see the upcoming developments. Today's state of technology will enable the economy to produce at maximum performance. Capital will be accumulated quickly despite the big losses in the war and cut the interest rate because of over-supply. Money will then be hoarded. The economic area will shrink and massive armies of unemployed people will be on the streets.
At many boundary posts, you will be able to see a plate with the inscription: "People looking for a job are refused entry, only lazybones with a bag stuffed full of money are welcome". Like in the old days, one will try to occupy other countries and will have to manufacture cannons for that - at least then there will be new jobs for the unemployed. There will be wild, revolutionary trends among the masses, and also the poisonous plant extreme nationalism will flourish again. No country will be able to understand the other, and the outcome can only be war, again."
Silvio Gesell, open letter to the "Berliner Zeitung am Mittag", a former newspaper, 1918
The Ponzi Scheme Monetary System: