Home of TechoAnimeFreak Productions!
Welcome all new and old subscribers! I was formerly TechoAnimefreak on Youtube before my account eventually got banned back when copyright laws were a little too harsh on the creative few. So I made this account to continue making videos and posted some of the older one on.
My general editing style is help bring the music alive with anime to tell a story with a variety of different anime. I usually tend to edit with a bunch of different animes when making an amv but once and a while a song will just hit me and I will realize that the one anime is the one to use. I am always looking for new opportunities to let my creativity out and experiment with different editing styles.
I am currently semi and mostly retired making AMVs. Thank you everyone who supported me!
So why the watermark? Reason being due to someone taking my video without any credit to me.That just really ticks me off. uliqrra is the first case of this. Also, I don't sub 4 sub.