Hello, this is more about my channel IDK I only do YouTube shorts I post two shorts a day But sometimes I don’t post any on Friday I usually like to stick to the topic about taekwondo but sometimes I usually do funny content. I hope you like my channel though, and please comment on my videos I love reading them it makes me happy. here is the link if you wanna sign up for taekwondo www.worldchampionkick.com
The ranks of the belts if you were wondering
White belt= Beginner
Yellow belt= a little harder moves, but beginner
Orange belt= OK you’re getting there
Green belt= Average
Blue belt= Getting hard
Purple belt= OK, you’re gonna get stronger and faster
Purple/black belt = A lot harder
Red belt = OK a lot of people like you
Red/black belt= oh yay two more belts until your black belt
Brown belt= OMG you’re so close
Black belt= You are GOD and sigma