Ever since I can remember, music has been a huge part of my life. One might even say it is my life. For the last two decades I’ve been a tried and true metal head, and the music I’ve written and released has shown it. Big changes in life, and several experiences throughout, have really brought out the singer-songwriter I am in my core. You may even say there’s a touch of country in my heart. Telling stories through music is my catharsis, and reaching people in that capacity is my life’s ambition; next to being a good father, that is. While this new style leans towards country, it is still very rooted in rock and blues, much like me. I know I am not the world's greatest singer. Heck, I may not even be good at all. However, my biggest desire is in writing good songs and touching the souls of people. If I can change just one life with music, my job here is done.