Hey there, I am Dinesh Kumar Vyas😀! (PM SHRI JNV Patan, Previously Rajsamand) I am trying to provide you with a new way to understand Mathematics & Other important educational Topics. I am working hard and pushing the boundaries of possibilities to widen the horizon of this Subject (Numeracy) and provide good-quality resources to all hardworking students!
Teaching is an art and passion. Teaching is a pious activity. It demands an ego-less effort to feel the pulse of students, place, and situation, fulfills the demand of the nation in 21st Century at a particular time with a visionary perception to think at least 20 years ahead. An educator can create a phenomenon change in the field of education by a Metacginition Growth Mindset with Optimistic Approach.
If an educator knows----------‘When to Teach’, ‘How to Teach to enhance Critical & Creative Thinking’, -------