Thank you for visiting.
On this channel, we are uploading videos focusing on the introduction of retro PCs and retro games.
Please note that I am Japanese and I use Google machine translation for translation, so I think there are some strange parts.
All videos have accurate Japanese subtitles, so
I would appreciate it if you could see it in the machine translation of youtube.
Environment such as PC
[Main PC]
Ryzen3700X GTX1660
[Sub PC]
i7 4770K GTX1060, etc ..
X68000xvi (24M modified) .pc586 (98 compatible) .FS-A1ST (msx) .etc ...
(Other major hardware such as PC88 in the past, including defective products, are generally owned.)
[game console]
dreamcast Saturn ps1 ps2 ps3 wii 3ds swtich retrofreak etc ..
[Video converter]
GC550 HSV321 XRGB, self-made RGB conversion ... etc ...