✰´*¨`*•✿♡ the earth in space
║ ✿⊱♥ Verily, in the remembrance of ALLAH
║ do hearts find rest. ♥⊰✿ Ar-Ra'd:28 ✿⊱♥⊰✿
╚════════════ ❤ ════════════╗
º¤ø✿⊱♥Rasulallah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:♥⊰✿ø¤º
✿⊱♥ That rare treasure is LA HAWLA WA LA
║ QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH.- ['The strength to
║do good and to refrain from evil comes from
║the grace and mercy of ALLAH سبحانهوتعالى .♥
✿⊱♥ speaking what is good is better than _;✬;*`
║ silence, and silence is better _;✬*`;✳.*`
║than speaking evil. " _;✬*`;✳.*`;✬*`____ ♥⊰✿
✿⊱♥ sincerity is isolation of the heart in
║obedience to the_;✬;*`;✳*` Worshipped ♥⊰✿