Hey Guys, Welcome to the Art of Josh C. Lyman channel
I draw stuff, post it up, and occasionally record the process. I also do some gaming to decompress; so those may end up here from time to time as well.
Given the world we live in, I'd like to emphasize now that when I do ANY of my live videos or recordings, I am literally speaking in a stream of consciousness fashion; answering questions presented in streams by viewers or speaking about stuff that is on my mind at that time. As the modern climate of society continues to evolve and become better, please bare this in mind------ and for the future of any of my content: that all videos recorded at their time of airing were done in a creative space; commentary about the world, shows, the industries I work in, or persons...are purely spoken out of opinion/mental/ or emotional state (UNFILTERED) while creating artwork. Times change as do people, Thanks for watching!
Artofjoshlyman -major social media