in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Wir sind überwältigt! 50’000 Abonnenten auf Youtube!
Vielen Dank, dass Sie unsere Arbeit so unterstützen!
Dieses Ereignis wollen wir gebührend feiern. Wir wollen SIE sichtbar machen. Schicken Sie uns ein Bild oder ein kurzes Video (maximal 5 Sekunden) von sich oder etwas, das Sie mit J. S. Bach verbinden. Das kann eine Platte, ein Konzertbild oder Ihr Instrument sein. Aus diesem Bild entsteht dann ein Community-Video. Die besten und kreativsten Einsendungen gewinnen eine CD. Schicken Sie uns ihren Beitrag bis am 17. Juli an:
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Einsendungen!
We are overwhelmed! 50'000 subscribers on Youtube!
Thank you so much for supporting our work like this!
We want to celebrate this event properly. We want to make YOU visible. Send us a picture or a short video (maximum 5 seconds) of yourself or something you associate with J. S. Bach. This can be a record, a concert picture or your instrument. This image will then be used to create a community video. The best and most creative entries will win a CD. Send us your contribution by July 17 to:
We are looking forward to your submissions!
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Für die diesjährige Advents- und Weihnachtszeit haben wir uns etwas Besonderes ausgedacht. Ab dem 1. Dezember bis Heiligabend dürfen Sie jeden Tag ein Türchen unseres Adventskalenders öffnen. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gesegnete Adventszeit!
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For those who cannot join us in person in Basel, Trogen or Zurich, we will be streaming the performance in Trogen tomorrow. The concert will begin at 19.00 CET and will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel.
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Mit einer Jubiläumstournee feiert die J. S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen ihr 15-jähriges Bestehen. Gespielt werden drei bekannte Kantaten, bei denen erlesene Solostimmen die Hauptrollen spielen.
Über Ländergrenzen hinweg zeigen, wie bedeutend und aktuell Bachs Vokalwerk ist – dies hat sich die J. S. Bach-Stiftung von Beginn an zum Ziel gesetzt. Auch das Programm des Jubiläumskonzerts wollen wir unserer Community weltweit zur Verfügung stellen.
The J. S. Bach Foundation St. Gallen celebrates its 15th anniversary with an anniversary tour. Three well-known cantatas will be performed, with exquisite solo voices playing the leading roles.
To show beyond national borders how significant and up-to-date Bach's vocal works are - this has been the goal of the J. S. Bach Foundation from the very beginning. We also want to make the program of the anniversary concert available to our community worldwide.
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Tonight at 7.30 pm (CET) we will celebrate the premiere of the cantata BWV 192 together with you on our YouTube channel. We look forward to many viewers from all over the world!
By the way: directly after the premiere you can watch the introduction to the work and the reflection on the cantata (both in German) on (…).
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*Coming up soon*
BWV 192 «Nun danket alle Gott»
To whet your appetite for the upcoming launch of this cantata in full length, we have prepared a “Bach Factory” programme in English featuring an introduction, insights and commentary on the work as well as exclusive excerpts of the live performance recorded in St. Gallen.
Join us for our Bach Factory on BWV 192 tomorrow at 19:30 CET.
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*Coming up tonight*
BWV 165 "O Holy Spirit's water bath"
This evening at 7:30 p.m. (CET) we will be launching our recording of cantata BWV 165.
We look forward to many viewers from all over the world!
By the way: You can watch the introductory workshop and the reflective lecture (both in German) on our YouTube channel directly afterwards.
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Tonight we have a premiere. We are releasing our first video in the "BACH FACTORY" series. What can you expect?
With "BACH FACTORY" we inform our large international community of fans about what is happening at the moment. So primarily the preparation of a new cantata recording. The first video of the "BACH FACTORY" deals with the first cantata performance of this year.
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DE: Schon gesehen?
Die J.S. Bach-Stiftung beabsichtigt nicht nur, das gesamte Vokalwerk Johann Sebstian Bachs zur Aufführung zu bringen, sie dokumentiert ihre Aufführungen auch in Ton und Bild. Das musikalische Weltwunder soll damit auch für kommende Generationen zugänglich gemacht werden.
EN: Have you seen it?
The J.S. Bach Foundation not only intends to perform the entire vocal work of Johann Sebstian Bach, it also documents its performances in sound and vision. The musical wonder of the world is thus to be made accessible to future generations.
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Live concerts, workshops and exciting reflections on Johann Sebastian Bach - presented by the J. S. Bach Foundation.
Since 2006, the J. S. Bach Foundation has been performing Bach's cantatas in a unique monthly concert cycle, accompanied by workshops and discussions on the respective works. The project is documented on film.
On its web platform "Bachipedia", the Foundation makes this available, thereby creating a living, constantly growing platform. In order to make Bach's work accessible to future generations, the digitization of the Foundation's extensive content has become an important goal. Browse Bachipedia and discover interesting and amazing facts about the master and his music.
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Bachstiftung is part of the YouTube channel network of NIKITA VENTURES.