Mult Media Entretenimento, há mais de 100 anos distribuído músicas nacionais e internacionais com destaque em vários seguimentos, se tornamos conhecida com nossos produtos e serviços que o mercado da música sempre exigiu nosso compromisso e levar ao mercado um novo ritmo e planejamentos de carreira.
Official LinkedIn of the Recorder Mult Media Entertainment, founded in 1922 by the then director of Empresa Murillo, until then our purpose was not a label but an entertainment production, but after a few years we decided to make it official as a national label with unique and exclusive releases we have been in the market for. More than 100 years our greatest victory and achieve through the praise lives to the kingdom the company and the only one of the segment that is concerned with taking a good work and remaining to the hearts God wants your worship to be a channel of blessing in someone's life.