Hello and good day to any person who should wander through this looking for info or knowledge. Since I died back in late 2015 it's been hard finding new hobbies and things to do. Eventually though I am going to try to put up a few videos on some of the visions I had while dead, they are like some crazy movie and some have been coming true.
I used to code on computers and read 2 books a week however that part of my brain must be off now and it's hard to learn new stuff now so I may have to just record with a camera using notes and upload the video that way. As I have read 1000's of books of science, history, medical, anthropology, shamanism, many ancient manuscripts and religious texts of all sorts and all other manner of info before dying I have amassed a large body of knowledge I know that a lot of news and schooling people receive is not right or propagandized in some manner to sway a persons thinking in the direction the powers that be would prefer you to look. So enjoy!