I used to be a devout pole dancer, stripper, prostitute, chain smoker and a hard core drug addict. I'm happy to tell you how God set me free from many spirits that used to torment me.
My name is Kadijah and I dedicate this channel to the honor and glory of God for the great and mighty works he has done. Because I've seen for myself, I can boldly declare that there is nothing impossible for Christ Jesus.
I'm a woman who loves the Lord with all my heart and I am concerned about His move in the earth we live in.
If you are interested in God and you want to encounter Him for yourself you are in the right place mentally.
If you want to know the Lord personally and if you hope for your life to be transformed by his power and conformed by His presence like mine is, there's a prayer you can say right now. Its just below this message.
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. Please forgive my sins, come into my heart, and be my savior now and forever.