Myself Surendra Kumar Bind
Lecturer chemistry (M.SC. Chemistry,M.Ed. NET, Certificate in Guidance and Councelling (CIG), I have 15 years of Teaching experience,At present I am Working in Himalayan region of Uttarakhand where a lot of plant species are found. so I am interested to know more about different types of plant species found in this region.I collect information from different research papers and journals and produce information in the form of videos so that it become beneficial for viewers.
In this channel I will upload videos related to biodiversity in nature to help students of Biology group, B.SC.(Bio) M.SC.(Botany),B.A.M.S(Ayurvedic),B.H.M.S.(Homeopathy), Researchers and curious people in gaining knowledge about plants and animals found in their natural habitat.
Hope you all will like. Also
Students of secondary and Senior secondary classes Learn different chemistry topics. Haloalkane and haloalkane #alcoholphenolandether#aldehydeketonecarboxylicacid#