Allin Hamusqayki
A little about me: I'm a Native/Andean from Peru, it's hard to recall my life.. My features have told me of my past life that echo to me today. I spoke Quechua as a young child. A part of me wants avoids arguments towards Religion. As I love many cultures and respect anyone who can display their maturity, and honesty in their occupation.
I enjoy Conservation and wish to venture into a career path of working outdoors in the wilderness.
I may be forgotten, but I am not associated with the devil. The 666 is the most common form of isotope; Carbon-12 consisting of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. I wish to follow the Lord.
My blood is not recognized on these lands of the true north, strong and free in the country of Canada.. even though we are closer related to each other in DNA. (To my Native brothers).
To those struggling with little to no recognition, or simply misjudged by the system in place.
Prosperidad a los Incas. ¡Viva El Perú!
Munapakuyki †